KYRID does not currently have any sponsored online CEU's available.
Below are outside organizations who produce a variety of online workshops. We hope this resource will be valuable to your professional development.
"The Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf strives to advocate for best practices in interpreting, professional development for practitioners and for the highest standards in the provision of interpreting services for diverse users of languages that are signed or spoken."
-RID Mission

CEU's on the Go!
"We are committed to the professional development of interpreters. As an approved RID CMP sponsor, CEU's on the Go! provides a variety of services to assist the certified interpreter in obtaining their CEUs. This site is the one stop shop for interpreters to further their education on their own schedule. Continuing education can now be done in the comfort of your own home whenever you choose."
-CEU' son the Go! homepage
"At StreetLeverage, we are committed to the belief that it is often the most obvious and important realities that are the hardest to see and talk about.
To that end, we endeavor to spotlight interpreters and industry stakeholders who courageously share their ideas and perspectives in an effort to rethink the way we understand, practice, and tell the story of the sign language interpreter."
Deaf Action Center
"The Center has made a tremendous effort to provide services, support, and advocacy for this population by providing education to the general public, instructing and directing individuals interested in the field of deafness and encouraging leadership among members of the Deaf Community. It is to this end, that the Center works to eliminate any and all barriers and, in fact, serves as a beacon and source of unity for all persons affected and touched by hearing loss."
-DAC About Us page