Shelly Steiner
Shelly Steiner is Kentucky’s Opioid Response Effort (KORE) Prevention/Harm Reduction
Implementation Specialist. She works for the Kentucky Department for Behavioral Health,
Developmental & Intellectual Disabilities in the Cabinet for Health and Family Services.
Previously she was the Drug Free Communities Grant Coordinator for the Carter County Drug
Free Coalition and the Pathways Regional Prevention Center. She earned her Certified
Prevention Specialist certificate in 2012 and has been working in the prevention field since 2009.
She has presented at the Kentucky Harm Reduction Summit, CADCA National Leadership
Forum, CADCA Mid-Year Training Institute, National Prevention Network Conference and the
National Rx Drug Abuse and Heroin Summit. She has also participated in a round-table
discussion at the White House with the President in 2018. She earned a Bachelor of Arts in
Secondary Education majoring in Spanish and minoring in Speech and Communications from
Morehead State University. She worked in the public school system for 17 years, four as a
Spanish teacher, before coming into the prevention field. Shelly has been a certified Youth
MHFA Instructor since 2020.