Allison Paul-Perry

Allison Paul-Perry (She/Her/Hers) is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW). She holds a
Bachelor of Science in Psychology with an emphasis in clinical psychology; a Master of Arts in
Human Service Management; and a Master of Social Work. For over 20 years, she has worked
in the field of social work focusing on youth, young adults, and families. Her passion for this
population has led to a lengthy career in the child welfare system. This included working with
youth, young adults, and families who interfaced with homeless shelters, transitional group
homes, independent living programs, judicial, foster care, and educational systems. Knowing the
importance of effective and accessible behavioral health supports for this unique population, she
joined the Department for Behavioral Health, Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities in
2016. She currently serves as the Program Administrator for Early Interventions for First
Episode Psychosis within the Division of Mental Health. Additionally, she works as a crisis
therapist and maintains a private practice.